Geberit Sustainability

As a globally active group specialising in sanitary technology, Geberit aims to play a leading role in the transformation towards a sustainable sanitary industry. Our innovative, high-quality and durable sanitary products have a positive impact on the industry, society and the environment.

For more than 30 years, we have been consistently pursuing our strategy in line with sustainability considerations along the entire product life cycle. This commitment is an important reason for the company's long-term success. We believe that the greatest contribution we can make to a circular economy is to keep setting new standards for product quality and durability.

Geberit products are typically used for decades. It is not uncommon for their service life to exceed 50 years, for example in the case of plastic discharge pipes. In addition, 25-year spare parts availability applies to a significant proportion of the range and makes an important contribution to the service life of our products, as does our commitment to the backwards compatibility of new products. In this way, we make it easier for construction partners to fulfil the often extensive catalogue of requirements for certified, sustainable construction projects.

A binding sustainability strategy

More than 30 years ago, Geberit drew up its first environmental strategy and implemented specific measures. Over the years, this strategy was gradually expanded into a comprehensive sustainability strategy. It is based on the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Geberit's focus is on goals 6, “Clean Water and Sanitation“, and 11, “Sustainable Cities and Communities“, in particular. In addition, significant contributions are made to “Decent Work and Economic Growth“ (goal no. 8) and “Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure“ (goal no. 9).

At a glance

Durable products that save resources

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

Environmental Product Declarations, or EPDs, are an important source of information for building owners, investors, business partners and other decision-makers. They provide information on the ecological footprint of construction products and are based on a detailed life cycle assessment.

Products with third-party EPDs account for 34% of Geberit's Group sales. We therefore offer a wide range of products for buildings constructed in accordance with certification systems such as Minergie, DGNB, BREEAM or LEED.

Environmental product declarations (EPD)

Environmental product declarations, or EPDs, are an important source of information for developers, investors, business partners and other decision-makers. They provide information on the ecological footprint of construction products and are based on a detailed life cycle assessment.

Products with third-party environmental product declarations account for over 20% of Geberit's group sales. That's why we offer a wide range of products for buildings constructed according to the highest sustainability standards such as Minergie, DGNB, BREEAM or LEED.

Download EPDs

Geberit Hytonic Taps, type 185 and 186

Geberit HDPE pipes

Tips and tricks for being more sustainable in everyday life

Use less water

Tips for saving water

Geberit HyTronic Taps (© Geberit)

It is a good idea to use water sparingly. Reduce your water consumption in the bathroom noticeably with these six tips.

Save water now!